Fans and Videogames: Histories, Fandom, Archives
Melanie Swalwell & Helen Stuckey & Angela Ndalianis
Introduction to Game Analysis
Fernndez-Vara, Clara
《象征的贫困2 感性的灾难》 贝尔纳·斯蒂格勒
Critical Code Studies
Mark C. Marino
Videogame Sciences and Arts
Nelson Zagalo & Ana Isabel Veloso & Liliana Costa & Óscar Mealha & Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa & Joaquim Filipe & Ashish Ghosh & Igor Kotenko & Lizhu Zhou
论数码物的存在 (许煜) (Z-Library)
Lun Shu Ma Wu De Cun Zai (Xu Yu ) (Z-Libr
Wei Zhi
VIRTUAL HISTORY; How Videogames Portray the Past; First Edition
A. Martin Wainwright
Theorizing Stupid Media De-Naturalizing S
Aaron Kerner
De Le Zi Guan Jian Gai Nian ([Mei ]Cha Er
生命是什么 (〔奥〕埃尔温·薛定谔著;罗来欧,[..] (Z-Library)
Sheng Ming Shi Shi Yao ([Ao ] Ai Er Wen
The Unity Game Engine and the Circuits of
Benjamin Nicoll
Yi Zhu Li Lun Zhi Nan ( etc.) (
朱光潜, ePUBw.COM
Mauro Carbone & Marta Nijhuis
当代法国思想五十年 上册 第2版 (高宣扬) (
Dang Dai Fa Guo Si Xiang Wu Shi Nian Shan
Gaming and the Divine
Bosman, Frank G.;
Deleuze and the Map-Image
Jakub Zdebik;
Approaches to Videogame Discourse
Astrid Ensslin;Isabel Balteiro;
当泡利遇上荣格:心灵、物质和共时性 (戴维·林道夫 徐彬(译)) (Z-Library)
Dang Pao Li Yu Shang Rong Ge Xin Ling , W
Sports Videogames
Mia Consalvo
Horror Video Games: Essays on the Fusion of Fear and Play
Perron, Bernard (Editor)
Internet Gaming Disorder Theory, Assessme
Daniel King
Transgression in Games and Play
Kristine Jørgensen & Faltin Karlsen
新教伦理与资本主义精神 (译文经典)
马克斯·韦伯(Max Weber)
The Game Console
Evan Amos
Hamlet on the Holodeck The Future of Narr
Janet Horowitz Murray
Digital Libido: Sex, power and violence in the network society
Alexander Bard & Jan Söderqvist
Computational Aesthetics (Yasuhiro Suzuki, Katsushi Nakagawa ...
Computational Aesthetics (Yasuhiro Suzuki,
Video Gaming in Science Fiction
Jason Barr
Video Game Influences on Aggression, Cogni
Christopher J. Ferguson
美的历程 (李泽厚) (Z-Library)
Mei De Li Cheng (Li Ze Hou ) (Z-Library)
The Video Games Textbook: History • Business • Technology
Brian J. Wardyga
Exceptional Technologies
Dominic Smith
杜威全集21 晚期著作(1925—1953)第0[..] 《经验与自然》(傅统先、郑国玉、刘[..]
A History of Video Games in 64 Objects
World Video Game Hall of Fame
The Aesthetics of Videogames
Jon Robson
著者:[德]瓦尔特·本雅明 译者:许绮玲、林志明
【英】约翰·伯格, 【英】杰夫·戴尔, 任悦, ePUBw.COM
The CRPG Book Project
Felipe Pepe
Philosophy of Engineering, East and West (Carl Mitcham, Bocong ...
Philosophy of Engineering, East and West (
空间的诗学 ([法] 加斯东·巴什拉) (Z-Library)
Kong Jian De Shi Xue ([Fa ] Jia Si Dong
Thought-Provoking Play Political Philosop
Martin Roth
Harlan, Susan;
Co-Creation, Innovation and New Service Development
Jedrzej Czarnota
Avatar, Assembled: The Social and Technical Anatomy of Digital ...
Banks, Jaime & (ed.)
Blood, Sweat, and Pixels
Jason Schreier
Videogames and Postcolonialism Empire Pla
Souvik Mukherjee
[法]M. 福柯著,刘北成译
Performativity in Art, Literature, and Videogames
Darshana Jayemanne
当代法国思想五十年 下 第2版